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Powder and Dispersion - Product Number 09818


Gold nanoparticles are a versitile material whose natural resistance to surface oxidation makes it ideal for a wide-range of electronic and photonic applications. 

Gold Nanoparticles

gold nanoparticles


Gold nanoparticles in various sizes and concentrations

gold nanoparticles


Black Graph - Approx. 8 nm size Gold nanoparticles

Red Graph - Approx. 13 nm size Gold nanoparticles

Blue Graph - Approx. 17 nm size Gold nanoparticles


(Measurements taken via photon correlation spectroscopy light scattering analysis)

Gold nanoparticles:
powder and dispersion form


Gold nanoparticles can range in color from red to purple depending on the particle size. Nano sized gold finds wide-ranging applications, when leveraging their characteristically high surface-to-volume ratio.


Dispersions of gold nanoparticles are designed in collaboration with the customer, based on their application-specific needs, with mean particle diameters ranging from 1nm to 100 nm. Designs of gold nanoparticles encompass two generic product spaces: aqueous stabilized dispersion, and organic stabilized dispersion. Custom form factors and solvents are available upon request.

Meliorum PDF Datasheet,
gold nanoparticles:

Both the sample size of gold nanoparticles, and concentration may be designed as required, to concentrations as high as 50 volume percent (a paste form).


Aggregate Surface Area, gold nanoparticles:

  • 38 sq. meters/gram (8 nm material)
  • 24 sq. meters/gram (13 nm material)
  • 18 sq. meters/gram (17 nm material)

Features of Gold Nanoparticles


Meliorum Technologies has spent the past ten years perfecting its proprietary technology for formulating gold nanoparticles with defined features.  Hundreds of instances of these formulations are featured in high impact academic journals worldwide.


Gold nanoparticles, several examples of which are pictured at right, can be formulated in a particularly wide variety of waterbourne and organic liquid solvents.  The choice is yours, and it is driven by your research needs and/or application requirements. Please contact our technical team today, to discuss your requirements for gold nanoparticles.  We look forward to working with you!

gold nanoparticles
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